A Simple light-weight Joomla 1.5 Module to Display Page Hits/views AnyWhere in Joomla even Category Blog Layout is selected.
You can Download Module Here. After download , install and enable, thats it!
If you use this module please do post your review at Joomla Directory Hits AnyWhere Module Here.
(You are not required to read all below lines, you can simply download from above link, install and enable this module and it will WORK for you
But if you still need to know more about this or you have any question you are welcome to read the following detailed description about this module…
To display number of hits or views of any article at article page even when Blog Category Layout is selected in your Joomla settings…
Currently in Joomla 1.5.X we can only show number of hits or number of views for any article when category view is selected as default (list view) in Menu. Many of my clients wanted to show number of views a page has been viewed even when Blog Category Layout is selected, I searched for any module or option but found no solutions.
When I was not able to found the solution to this in Joomla Forum, extentions and documentation, i decdied to write my own code to solve this problem. Also i decided to share what i have written to great Joomla Community, so the result was “Hits AnyWhere Module”.
Hits AnyWhere Module:
This is very simple module which check at what page you are, gets the id of the present article/item and from the database it fetch the value of HITS, i.e. Number of times this article/page has been accessed/viewed.
How To “Hits AnyWhere”:
Simply download your module from downloads section, it is free and no registration is required to download. Go to Downloads Section here.
After you have downlaoded it, simply access your admin control panel of your joomla site and install mod_hitsAnyWhere.zip module which you just downloaded in previous step.
Configure (Optional):
This is very easy and simple module, you just have to ENABLE it after you have installed it from Module Manager. When you have enabled it, you have few options to Choose.
Here are recommended options:
Set Show Title to NO
Set Enabled to YES
Position can be Left or User5 or whatever- Here you select the position where you want to display it, it can be any module location you may have defined in your template.
Custom Position:
If you are not sure or do not know how to add a module position where you want to display it, you will need help from a pro joomla user, if you cannot find the help, you may submit ticket to me by clicking Support Button in Top Menu.
Display Text (Optional )
In the right hand side panel, you have an option under head “Module Parameters” called Display Text it can be anything you want to show just before the number of hits/views…
Default is “Total Views” , you can change it to anything for example: Total Hits, Views, Hits, …etc
That is it!
If you have any question, or have any suggestion to improve it, please do contact me.
Thanks for choosing Hits AnyWhere!
With Best Regards,
Mohsin Rasool